Rethinking Why We Help Others. July 23, 2016
I believe it is part of human nature to want to help others. I am a follower of Jesus who struggles with workaholic and codependent behavior as a means of avoiding my own thoughts and feelings around the trauma I experienced as a child. Some of my human compassion for others comes from my own hurts. Empathy for others can provide understanding, especially when there has been some healing and freedom. The healing experience can provide insight into what works and what doesn’t help as well as provide hope. I don’t believe I can heal anyone. But I do know that Jesus can and does heal people and He can use us in this process. In fact Jesus wants to use us in healing. I have prayed for many people for healing. I have witnessed many ordinary and some miraculous healings. I used to think I had this figured out. I believe Jesus loves everyone and the healing He does is an expression of that love.
But my involvement in the healing process is for my growth. Jesus purpose for me is not so much that I become effective in the healing ministry. Instead it is so that I may become more like Jesus. When Jesus heals someone, it is not His ultimate goal for that person. For, we are not just called to become believers and followers of Jesus. No. We are called to do that so that we can be used to make other people able to, lead other people to, lead other people …. In order to become people who lead other people to become disciples, that is people who learn how to do that well. I need to start by saying I am not very good at this. But I am willing to learn by doing. – Bill Bear
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